

The 2nd International Symposium on Symbiotic Intelligent Systems: "Challenge to the Edge: How can we design symbiotic society?"

The 2nd International Symposium on Symbiotic Intelligent Systems は、多くの方々にご来場いただき、大盛況のうちに終了しました。参加者の皆様に感謝いたします。


日程 2020年1月31日(金) – 2月1日(土)
場所 梅田スカイビル スペース36 (access)
プログラム こちらをご覧ください。
※ 講演要旨は、こちらをクリックしてダウンロードしてください。
参加費 無料(懇親会参加費を除く)
言語 英語(日英・英日同時通訳あり)
参加申し込み こちらをクリックしてお申し込みください
※ 懇親会は応募者多数のため申し込みを締め切りました。
主催 大阪大学先導的学際研究機構附属共生知能システム研究センター
協賛 日本ロボット学会

プログラム (講演要旨)

1日目 (1月31日)


10:00 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:25


第1部 “Cognitive Robotics”

10:25 – 11:10

Giulio Sandini (Italian Institute of Technology)
‘Developing Familiarity with Assistive Robots’

11:10 – 11:55

Alex Pitti (CNRS / University of Cergy-Pontoise)
‘Understanding the Development of Embodied Cognition with Brain-inspired Models and Robots’

11:55 – 13:00


第2部 ポスター発表

13:00 – 14:30


第3部 “Technology, Ethics, and Culture”

14:30 – 15:15

‘Artificial Moral Agents with Artificial Pain’

15:15 – 16:00

Filippo Santoni de Sio (Delft University of Technology)
‘Meaningful Human Control and Moral Responsibility for Robots’

16:00 – 16:15


16:15 – 17:00

Giulio Mecacci (Delft University of Technology)
‘Operationalising Meaningful Human Control into Technical and Institutional Design Requirements’

17:00 – 17:45

Fiorenzo Marco Galli (National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci)
‘Technologies for Glocal Solutions’

18:00 – 20:00


2日目 (2月1日)

第4部 “Action and Embodiment”

10:00 – 10:45

Helge Ritter (Bielefeld University)
‘How Embodiment Affects Learning’

10:45 – 11:30

Thomas Schack (Bielefeld University)
‘Building Blocks for Intelligent Systems in Memory and Brain’

11:30 – 13:00


第5部 “Human-Robot Collaboration”

13:00 – 13:45

Erhan Oztop (Osaka University)
‘Towards a Robot-Enabled Society: The Role of Human Adaptation to Robot Control’

13:45 – 14:30

Salvatore Anzalone (Université Paris 8)
‘Characterizing Neuro-Developmental Deficits through Socially Assistive Agents’

14:30 – 14:45


第6部 “Interaction Systems”

14:45 – 15:30

Peter Ford Dominey (CNRS / INSERM)
‘Language as the Vector for Symbiotic Intelligence’

15:30 – 16:15

Guillaume Dumas (Institut Pasteur / CNRS)
‘Exploring Neurobehavioral Dynamics from Human-Human to Human-Machine Social Interaction’

16:15 – 16:30


第7部 パネルディスカッション“Android Meets Ethics”

16:30 – 17:15
  • 瀬名秀明(小説家・科学ライター)
  • Giulio Sandini (Italian Institute of Technology)
  • Filippo Santoni de Sio (Delft University of Technology)
  • Fiorenzo Marco Galli (National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci)
  • 石黒浩(大阪大学)


17:15 – 17:30



  1. Anja Philippsen∗, and Yukie Nagai∗
    ‘Prediction ability as a prerequisite of representational drawing behavior’
    ∗ The University of Tokyo
  2. Shi Jiaqi∗
    ‘Preliminary investigation on skeletal movement based emotion recognition’
    ∗ Osaka University
  3. Kentaro Suzuki∗, Jihoon Park∗, Yuji Kawai∗, and Minoru Asada∗
    The analysis of synchronisation between two small-world oscillator networks: Towards understanding inter-brain synchronisation
    ∗ Osaka University
  4. Changzeng Fu∗, Thilina Dissanayake∗, Kazufumi Hosoda∗, Takuya Maekawa∗, and Hiroshi Ishiguro∗
    ‘Similarity of speech emotion in different languages revealed by a neural network with attention’
    ∗ Osaka University
  5. Kazuki Sakai∗, Yutaka Nakamura∗, Yuichiro Yoshikawa∗, and Hiroshi Ishiguro∗
    ‘Development of discussion system where multiple robots exchange user’s preferences’
    ∗ Osaka University
  6. Ajibo C. Augustine∗, Carlos T. Ishi†, and Hiroshi Ishiguro∗†
    ‘Generation and analysis of audio visual anger emotional expression for android robot’
    ∗ Osaka University / † Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR)
  7. Chie Hieida∗, Jyh-Jong Hsieh∗, Yuji Kawai∗, and Minoru Asada∗
    ‘Analyses of a counselor’s empathic behavior toward a client: Speech contents and facial expressions’
    ∗ Osaka University
  8. Yuya Onishi∗, Hiroshi Okada∗, Gin Ichiguchi∗, and Hideyuki Nakanishi∗
    ‘Creating a virtual agent’s reality with robotic hand holding’
    ∗ Osaka University
  9. Jyh-Jong Hsieh∗, Chie Hieida∗, Yuji Kawai∗, and Minoru Asada∗
    ‘Comparison between human and avatar counselors with or without empathetic responses’
    ∗ Osaka University
  10. Jihoon Park∗, Yuji Kawai∗, and Minoru Asada∗
    Self-organization of connectivity in spiking neural networks with (im)balanced excitation and inhibition
    ∗ Osaka University
  11. Natsuki Oka∗, Yusuke Hatanaka∗, and Kazuaki Tanaka∗
    ‘Public acceptance of AI with responsibility and accountability’
    ∗ Kyoto Institute of Technology
  12. Ayaka Ueda∗, Hamed Mahzoon∗, Yuichiro Yoshikawa∗, and Hiroshi Ishiguro∗
    ‘Effect of cylinder motion on the perception of robot’s emotion’
    ∗ Osaka University
  13. Tomoyo Morita∗, Mioru Asada∗, and Eiichi Naito†
    ‘Developmental changes in task-induced brain deactivation revealed by a motor task’
    ∗ Osaka University / † Center for Information and Neural Networks(CiNet), National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
  14. Hirono Ohashi∗, Naoki Yamada∗, Natsuki Minakawa∗, Ryota Yanagisawa∗, Shunsuke Shigaki∗, Masahiro Shimizu∗, and Koh Hosoda∗
    ‘Towards 4D printing technology for muscle cells’
    ∗ Osaka University
  15. Allam Shehata∗, Yuta Hayashi∗, Yasushi Makihara∗, Daigo Muramatsu∗, and Yasushi Yagi∗
    ‘Does my gait look nice? Human perception-based gait relative attributes estimation by dense trajectory analysis’
    ∗ Osaka University
  16. Taku Matsuura∗, Kazuhiro Sakashita∗, Andrey Grushnikov∗, Fumio Okura∗, Ikuhisa Mitsugami∗, and Yasushi Yagi∗
    ‘Statistical analysis of dual-task gait characteristics for cognitive score estimation ‘
    ∗ Osaka University
  17. Shunsuke Shigaki∗, Daisuke Kurabayashi†, Masahiro Shimizu∗, and Koh Hosoda∗
    ‘Construction of sensory intervention system for insect’
    ∗ Osaka University / † Tokyo Institute of Technology
  18. Shiqi Yu∗, Yoshihiro Nakata∗, and Hiroshi Ishiguro∗
    ‘Adopting life behaviors of humans on an android with a ROS-based software package “silva”‘
    ∗ Osaka University
  19. Hideyuki Takahashi∗, Midori Ban∗, Naoko Omi∗†, Hisashi Ishihara∗, Yutaka Nakamura∗, Yuichiro Yoshikawa∗, and Hiroshi Ishiguro∗
    ‘Interactive room environment with anthropomorphic adaptability’
    ∗ Osaka University / † DAIKIN INDUSTRIES
  20. Xiqian Zheng∗†, Masahiro Shiomi†, Takashi Minato†, and Hiroshi Ishiguro∗†
    ‘What kinds of robot’s touch will match expressed emotions’
    ∗ Osaka University / † Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR)
  21. Linkun Gao∗, Shunsuke Shigaki∗, and Koh Hosoda∗
    ‘A musculoskeletal bipedal robot based on SLIP model’
    ∗ Osaka University
  22. Momoko Okazaki∗, Hamed Mahzoon∗, Yuichiro Yoshikawa∗, and Hiroshi Ishiguro∗
    ‘Influence of visualization of robot’s verbal information on human’s subjective evaluation’
    ∗ Osaka University
  23. Soheil Keshmiri∗
    ‘A novel conditional entropy approach to modeling the PFC activation in response to difficulty of stories’
    ∗ Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR)
  24. Ryu Takahashi∗, Linkun Gao∗, and Koh Hosoda∗
    ‘Development of a feedback system for musculoskeletal robots inspired by muscle reflexes’
    ∗ Osaka University
  25. Kazuki Miyazawa∗, Takato Horii∗, Tatsuya Aoki∗†, and Takayuki Nagai∗†
    ‘Integration of multiple probabilistic generative models for robot learning’
    ∗ Osaka University / † The University of Electro-Communications
  26. Tatsuya Aoki∗†, Takato Horii†, and Takayuki Nagai∗†
    ‘Towards continuous robot learning in a real environment: Probabilistic generative model based on nonparametric Bayes and auto-encoding variational inference’
    ∗ The University of Electro-Communications / † Osaka University


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